Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Galen Talks about his Master....

Yesterday we sat down with Prince Alexios from Kayla Jameth's upcoming book ALEXIOS' FATE coming soon from Breathless Press. Today we get to hear from his sexy slave and lover, Galen.

Now Galen, how did you come to be Prince Alexios' slave?

I've been his slave for just over ten years now. I was just a kid back then, only ten years old. I was the second oldest of five children with another on the way. My parent's just couldn't feed us all. My father was a potter and was teaching my older brother and me his trade. I wasn't very good at it.

My younger siblings were too young to bring much coin and my older brother was already helping my father. So they had to sell me to feed the others.

(((Gasp!))) Your own family?!

(((Shrugs))) It happens all the time. Poor families can't feed their children and have to make hard choices. At least, I had plenty to eat, warm clothes, and somewhere to sleep with the prince. I could have been sold to someone much worse. Or I and my family might have starved.

The prince bought you?

No, actually his father did. I think I was a birthday present for an unhappy little eight-year-old prince. I was really only expected to play with him and keep him out of trouble at first. I did have some other chores while he was with his tutors and such, but I spent my days mostly with him. I even learned reading, writing, and mathematics with him.

(((Chuckle))) He said that if he, a prince, had to suffer through it, so did his slave! He always was a handful.

How long have you known him? What can you tell us about him?

I've known him for half my life. (((Indulgent Smile))) At first, he was just another younger brother for me to take care of. He treated me so well that it was easy to love him as one.

He didn't have many friends. It's hard to have real friends when you're the prince. Everyone is either jealous or trying to use you. So he clung to me and somewhere along the way I quit just loving him like a brother.

It's pretty risky to fall in love with a prince, what were your concerns?

Well, I couldn't just throw myself at him like all the nobles' sons could. Even the female slaves could make eyes at him and do their best to draw his eye. All I could do was try to let him know how I felt about him with everything I did. And hope that he noticed.

It was so hard to see him naked every day and not be able to touch him. (((Blush!))) I can't believe he couldn't tell I was... (((mumble))) aroused.

I think I had finally given up on him. I mean, he had only ever been with girls. Hadn't even looked at any of the nobles' sons who courted him. But then he got into an argument with his father when that last king arrived and suddenly he's asking me if I know how to service him?

I was so ashamed! I didn't want him thinking of me like those other men had. I'm not just a vessel for them to slake their lust in! And I didn't want him thinking that I was a defiled slave good for nothing else. I was afraid he would cast me aside because I was no longer good enough to even be his slave.

(((Pause to Stare Off into Space))) But he was angry. Not at me! But at everyone who had ever touched me. (((Eyes Wide with Wonder))) He wanted me and didn't care what I had been forced to do. He was angry with his own father for my sake.

(((Whispers))) And then he said he loved me.

With King Lykos in the picture are you afraid of what that can mean for you and Alexios?

I may just be a slave and he is a king, but I won't just let him have Alexios!

I know that Alexios wants him to be his mentor. I'm no fool; I know how mentors are with their erĂ´menos. But Alexios says he loves me and I will be the one who has his heart even if I have to share his body with the king. (((Looks Around, Nervous but Defiant)))

You can secure your copy of ALEXIOS' FATE today with the preorder sale: Get 10% off until April 12th with the code ALEXIOSFATEPREORDECR352FF http://www.breathlesspress.com/alexios-fate


The mature King Lykos has a sexy confidence that turns Alexios' head. Seduced by Lykos, Prince Alexios discovers a world of men he's never known before.

Meanwhile his slave Galen has gotten tired of waiting in the wings. He sets out to woo Alexios and win his heart.

Even Apollo can't leave Alexios alone. The young prince finds himself pursued by a god and in danger of a perilous love.

How will Alexios follow his heart when he unwittingly wins the favor of a god? Can Alexios escape the fate of Apollo's past lovers and have the man he wants?

A knight and a former princess, Kayla Jameth now spends her time writing m/m romance. A true Renaissance woman, she has done everything from cross stitch like a proper lady to welding with the best of them. An eclectic life has left her with a unique understanding of the world inhabited by men and an appreciation for the difficulties faced by men in m/m relationships. It is her devout wish that her experiences translate into a richer telling of such tales. A minor in classical history left her with a special love of ancient history, especially during the classical period.

FaceBook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/KaylaJameth

FaceBook Page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002318660540

Blog: http://kaylajameth.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/KaylaJameth

Google+: https://plus.google.com/107333108737742946339/posts

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chatting with Prince Alexios

Today we have Prince Alexios from Kayla Jameth's upcoming novel ALEXIOS' FATE, coming soon from Breathless Press. He's a young prince that learns a lot about love sex and meddling with gods in this sexy tale. Sit back and enjoy!

So you turned 18 and have to take a mentor. Can you tell us who those candidates might be?

My father invited a few kings from the neighboring city-states.

King Andronikos of Maroneia is a merchant. He's all soft from easy living. All he can talk about is trade routes. Even though he spoke of training guards for his caravans, I don't think he does it. He doesn't seem very exciting.

King Theocritus of Abdara is a braggart who needs to leave other people's belongings alone! (((Scowl)))

King Philon of Doriscus is an old man who seems nice. He gave me some good advice.

King Lykos of Aenus is a sexy warrior. (((Blush!))) I mean... he is strong and you can tell he leads his own men into battle. I could learn to be a great general from him, conquer my own kingdom even! He also has a navy.

Sexy, eh? I like the sound of that! Now what happens after you choose a mentor?

Since my mentor will have to be a king, I will go to live in his house.

Why a king?

Because a mentor can't just be my equal. The only person here in Dicaea who has the social status to be my mentor is my father. So Father invited some kings to my coming-of-age celebration. He's trying to force me to take a bride as well. (((Grimace)))

I'll probably return with one of the kings to their polis when they leave here. Then I will start learning how to govern a kingdom. And hopefully learn war instead of trade.

You have grown quite fond of your slave Galen recently, can you tell us how that happened?

I'm not really sure how that happened. I mean he is my slave and we have been together since we were kids. I think for a while when I was younger, he may have been my only friend. He's just always been there for me.

I never really thought of him as anything other than a brother. I think I have always loved him, but I didn't know it. Do you know what I mean? He was there when no one else was. He was the one who picked me up and tended my wounds. How could I not love him? But I just thought that was how everyone felt about their companion.

But when I found out how my father and the other men had been using him, I got so angry. I didn't realize that it was jealousy until later when Theocritus couldn't keep his hands off Galen. It made me mad to see Galen treated that way, as if he was nothing more than someone to warm that vile narcissist's bed!

That's when I decided to protect him and keep him just for myself. I think that made him really happy and that made me feel good. It still took me a couple of days to figure out how I really felt about him.

I like seeing Galen happy. His smile makes him so beautiful. I just wish I had noticed earlier.

You've just taken Galen for your lover. What are you going to do about him when you leave with your mentor?

Why take him with me, of course! I'm not going to leave him here where others can have their way with him. He's mine!

Now if it wasn't confusing enough with all the men in your life, apparently you've caught the eye of one of the gods, Apollo. What is he after?

Does anyone ever know the mind of a god? All anyone can do is try not to catch their attention. It never bodes well when one of the immortals takes an interest in a man. They are either meting out punishment or are seeking to bed you.

I hope he loses interest in me soon.

I have a feeling, Alexios, that probably isn't going to happen!

Stay tuned tomorrow, we will be sitting down with Galen to see his perspective on all this!

You can secure your copy of ALEXIOS' FATE today with the preorder sale: Get 10% off until April 12th with the code ALEXIOSFATEPREORDECR352FF http://www.breathlesspress.com/alexios-fate


The mature King Lykos has a sexy confidence that turns Alexios' head. Seduced by Lykos, Prince Alexios discovers a world of men he's never known before.

Meanwhile his slave Galen has gotten tired of waiting in the wings. He sets out to woo Alexios and win his heart.

Even Apollo can't leave Alexios alone. The young prince finds himself pursued by a god and in danger of a perilous love.

How will Alexios follow his heart when he unwittingly wins the favor of a god? Can Alexios escape the fate of Apollo's past lovers and have the man he wants?

A knight and a former princess, Kayla Jameth now spends her time writing m/m romance. A true Renaissance woman, she has done everything from cross stitch like a proper lady to welding with the best of them. An eclectic life has left her with a unique understanding of the world inhabited by men and an appreciation for the difficulties faced by men in m/m relationships. It is her devout wish that her experiences translate into a richer telling of such tales. A minor in classical history left her with a special love of ancient history, especially during the classical period.

FaceBook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/KaylaJameth

FaceBook Page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002318660540

Blog: http://kaylajameth.blogspot.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/KaylaJameth

Google+: https://plus.google.com/107333108737742946339/posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Martin and Ian Dish about 1Night Stands!

Today we have with us Ian McCallum and Martin Baird. Ian is the hero of Wendy Burke's sexy Scottish tale HASTE YE BACK and Martin is the unwitting hero of ACCIDENTALLY BEAUTIFUL, the second super hot tropical romance by Yours Truly in the 1Night Stand series Wendy and I have been writing with overlapping characters.
Ian and Martin have agreed to sit down with me and dish about Madame Eve and her 1Night Stand service.

So Ian, Martin, tell us how you met?

IAN:Oh hell, we've been mates since we wore short pants! In primary school-- 2nd or 3rd level--that's 2nd or 3rd grade to you Yanks. So, what when we were 7 or 8? He was getting the snot knocked out of him on the playground...so I knocked the snot out of those knocking on him...

MARTIN: It was Ian and Martin everywhere we went after that. The best of pals, saw all the good shows at the cinema on Saturday afternoon. You should have seen this bloke with a rugby ball!

IAN: Aye, well, I wouldn't have been playing rugby if you hadn't done all my book reports for me.

MARTIN: It was the least I could do

Sounds like you two were the best of pals. Now, I've heard something about a kiss between you two?

MARTIN: (laughing) Oh, I shall take full blame for that. I mean look at the bloke, can't blame a guy for trying, right?

Try, being the operative word

MARTIN: (nudging Ian) Took him a second to figure that out though, right?

IAN:I love the guy--but it's not something I readily admit anymore---not that I'm ashamed of you or anything Martin--it's just, well--we were young and curious...that's all...forgive me, but I don't even remember if it was good!

MARTIN: (slapping his arm) Don't know if I like being forgotten so readily, its a bloody good thing I've forgotten as well!

IAN: (laughing) I don't buy that!

Now how did you hear about 1NS?

MARTIN: I work for the Castillo Resorts and for the last several years I have been setting up fantasy suites and encounters for Madame Eve's customers. All of which I am happy to report, seem to still be going strong. I never thought that I would be on the lucky end of her matchmaking skills, but I'm damn grateful for it

IAN: I'd been through a pretty rough marriage and had been divorced about six months when I run into this guy(((flips a thumb at Martin))) and his partner in a pub. He's going on and on about this woman and this 'service,' and well, I figured what did I have to lose! Anyway, he and Garret sure did seem happy together.

MARTIN: Took more than his fair share of pints to convince him that Garret and I weren't talking rubbish.

IAN: That and they were buying the rounds

Tell us Ian, what happened with your 1NS date?

IAN:During the date! Are you outta your mind?! I'd like to see this young lady again.

MARTIN: Oh, I am sure you will see her again!

IAN: Aye, I know in my heart, I will.

MARTIN: You see, there is a wee bit of the fae about Madame Eve. She knows what you need in a partner, even if you don't. Garret even tried to trick her when he was hiring her but it didn't work

How did he try to trick her?

MARTIN: Well, my Garret, he likes a particular type of chap. He likes to be... how shall we say? In charge?

IAN: Aye, do I wanna hear this?

MARTIN: I’ll keep it clean, ya old bastard. Well Garret didn’t tell Madame Eve, but she knew somehow what he wanted and she handpicked me for him. I didn't even know I was being set up, I just thought I was having a bit of luck and met an amazing guy on holiday. But I believe Madame Eve was waiting for Garret to come along because she knew we were meant to be together. Just like she knew that Bryn and Ian were supposed to meet.

Ian, can you tell us about that?

IAN: All I can say is from the moment I met her my heart was full--like she had been with me in the past, through so many things, lives...now I can't wait to see her again!

If you want to know all the juicy details that Martin and Ian are apparently too polite to share, you can read Martin and Garret's story in ACCIDENTALLY BEAUTIFUL, written by Deanna Wadsworth and Ian and Bryn's tale in Wendy Burke's book HASTE YE BACK.

Of course, if you want the full picture why not start at the beginning?

BEAR IT ALL--A 1Night Stand Story
by Deanna Wadsworth

Can desire overcome misunderstanding when these two men bear it all? Or will both men walk away from exactly what they need and desire?

THE ONE HE CHOSE--A 1Night Stand Story
by Wendy Burke

A year after losing her beloved husband, Grace Wizler learns he left a special surprise for her. A fabulous getaway that includes a date with a mystery man...

You can find Deanna and Wendy on Facebook!

One lucky commenter will win a copy of BEAR IT ALL and THE ONE HE CHOSE so they can start at the beginning of this sexy series!!