Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hugh Jackman's partridge in a pear tree!

THE FIRST DAY OF SEX-MAS Deanna gave to me..... 

HUGH JACKMAN's partridge in a pear tree!!!

Well, not really, but a girl can dream, can't she?

Who wants a traditional Twelve Days of Christmas when you can have the TWELVE HOTTIES OF SEX-MAS!!!!!

For the next twelve days we will be reinventing the tired old lyrics of the song with a sexy new twist, and loads of eye candy to go along with it.

Oh yeah, and did I mention giveaways and discounts on ebooks?

Look at those abs!!

Those eyes!


I don't know what was harder.... those abs or trying to narrow it down to just a few pics of this uber hunk!!!

And what about that smile???

The first time I saw Hugh in X-Men, I was a goner!!

I tell ya, I'd love to do something in a pear tree with Hugh!

Now that you've had your eye candy, how about candy of a different kind? 

In my THE NAUGHTY NORTH POLE books, Santa's elves make their own candy and I'm not talking about candy canes! Well, unless you are referring to Pip, the hero of Book Two PIP'S BOXING DAY WISH

His cum tastes like peppermint!!!

Oh joke! It's true! 

Santa's elves have candy flavored cum!!!! I wonder if Hugh Jackman does......

If you haven't got hooked on this naughty holiday series,  get started with Book One, MS. CLAUS'S LIST today!
As a gift, enjoy 25% off  with special promotion code HF75Y at

Stay tuned for more Twelve Hotties of Sex-mas!!